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Doctorate in Educational Leadership College of Education

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Research Assistants

Under immediate supervision, Research Assistants (classified as graduate assistants) assist a regular faculty member with various professional and technical duties associated generally with the subjects or programs in which the assistant is doing graduate work.

  • Research Assistants are provided part-time employment and practical experience in fields related to their advanced study.
  • Research Assistants provide professional non-teaching assistance to faculty members.

Typical activities of Research Assistants may include: providing assistance to faculty conducting authorized research by collecting and arranging data, developing source materials, summarizing reports, searching the literature and compiling bibliographies, developing and operating research equipment, preparing and caring for research materials, assisting in the conduct of experiments, etc.

Salary—monthly at $769.50 for 10 hours per week

(see EDD job description)

Student Travel

EDD students may apply for reimbursement for presenting at a conference. Priority will be given to students presenting with a doctoral faculty member and/or presenting their research related to their doctoral studies. Travel funds are limited and subject to the approval of the Director.

The application process is as follows:
Email an abstract of your research, conference details, and if so, faculty presenting with, to the EDD office at